Bimaxillary rehabilitation by venners and E-max crowns on teeth and dental implants.
Composite crown replaced by E-max crown on the upper left lateral incisor.
BREDENT COPA Dental Implants- Fast & Fixed Bimaxillary rehabilitation by metal-ceramic work on dental implants.
Upper maxillary rehabilitation by metal-ceramic crowns on natural teeth
BREDENT SKY Dental Implants- Fast & Fixed Bimaxillary rehabilitation by metal-ceramic work on dental implants.
BREDENT SKY Dental Implants- Fast & Fixed Bimaxillary rehabilitation by metal-ceramic work on dental implants.
BREDENT SKY Dental Implants- Fast & Fixed Upper maxillary rehabilitation by metal-ceramic work on dental implants.
SKY FAST AND FIXED.Temporary Fixed Hybrid Acrylic Bridge(teeth fixed in 24h)
BREDENT SKY Dental Implants- Fast & Fixed Bimaxillary rehabilitation by metal-ceramic work on dental implants.
Bimaxillary rehabilitation by replacing metal-acrylic work with metal-supported ceramic work
Rehabilitation of the mesio-incisal angle of the central incisor by applying a dental refractory veneer.
Improving the appearance and occlusion of the teeth by inserting implants and performing metal-ceramic work.
Case of maxillary rehabilitation by replacing the metal – acrilyc bridges with unidentate crowns and zirconium bridges.
Aesthetic improvement of the upper frontal group by making E-MAX uni-dental ceramic crowns
Single-tooth ceramic crowns on the upper central incisors.
E-MAX unidental ceramic veneers and crowns to improve dental appearance and occlusion
Restoring the mesio-incisal angle of the central incisor by applying a laboratory-made veneer
Case of bimaxillary rehabilitation by making a skeletal prosthesis in the upper arch and metal-ceramic bridges in the lower arch.
Bimaxillary rehabilitation by metal-ceramic work on natural teeth and dental implants.
(SKY FAST AND FIXED.Temporary fixed acrylic prosthesis on implants with immediate loading (fixed teeth in 24H)